Monday, May 17, 2010

Children's Literature

Known of children's literature that speak good happens to the children art, whether in poetry or prose, whether express verbally or in writing, and enter into the concept of children's stories and Msarhyatem and nasheeds Others say that children's literature is all the experience of linguistic fun and Sarah have an art form experienced by the child and interact with, thereby helping to raise the technical sense, and works on HH taste, and development of integrated and contribute to building character, and identification, and teaching the art of life.
In the light of literary theory of modern we can offer a definition closer to the nature of literature and its function, we say: It is a language art belongs to the type of literature, whether a story or poetry, plays or poetry, a concert provided by the author of a presentation well under the connected nature of literature and function closely related to and consistent with the world of childhood agreement profound.
And literature, this concept must take into account the characteristics of childhood and gradually to the perfection by their needs in the context of ideals and values, models and impressions of sound, and therefore the "children's literature" as a whole is of works of art depicting the ideas and sensations and fantasies consistent with the perceptions of children, and take various forms, Kalgosp, and Poetry Theatre, and the article, and the song and others, and be based on moral standards, religious and social, are inseparable from technical standards, because literature is the expression of human civilization, and civilization is not based on moral and religious values, civilization lame controller itself to collapse no matter how progress material

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