Thursday, May 20, 2010

Track cult Criteria

Streams which deny the sunnah , Qadiyan Ahmadiyya, Islamic Jamaat, a community of Eden Lia (Lia Aminudin), Al-Qur'an, the Holy Äôan, and al-Qiyadah al-Islamiyah, is misguided and misleading, therefore, the Indonesian Ulema Council from central to local opposition emerged loud and circulation of these cult.

The urgent need is very important that potential victims of the cult and the unrest caused. That is why the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued guidelines for the identification of cult. [1]

Flow or heretical groups [2] defined the MUI, as an ideology or thought that should be embraced and be carried out by a group which was contrary to the faith and Islamic law and stated MUI share deviates based on the proposition.

At least 10 (ten) is the flow misguided criteria: [3]
1. Denying one of the pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam
2. Believe and follow the creed that is incompatible with the proposition share (al-Qur'an, and al-Sunnah ).
3. Convinced after the revelation of al-Qur'an.
4. Deny the authenticity and correctness of al-Qur'an.
5. Interpret al-Qur'an. with unfounded interpretation of the rules
6. Denying the position of the hadith of the Prophet as a second source of Islamic teachings.
7. Abusive, harassing, and / or demeaning the Prophet and Messenger
8. Denying the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger.
9. Change, add and subtract points of worship that have been established Shari'a.
10. Consider infidel fellow Muslims without share theorem.

The emergence of a new flow is believed by a few misguided to supporters, because in him the real truth claims which arise often take a lot of energy to forget about the esoteric aspects of religion which is supported by certain postulates (Qath'i).

Then, people are more concerned with seeing and new flow (as a product of truth claims) after the successful take shelter in the major religions (Islam) as an identity is necessary and purely symbolic, rather than look and emphasis on spiritual values they contain. [4]

Departure from cult criteria mentioned above, if the truth claim that is allowed to be unfounded dangerous to life and is believed to belief an established truth. This condition is called misleading.

In the perspective of philosophy of Islamic Law, the originator and followers include apostasy and apostasy means is Infidelity, even with manipulate Islamic symbols.

[1] identification guide was issued on the cult show MUI National Working Meeting of the Year 2007 at the Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jakarta.
[2] To give sense to the general public, it must distinguish between false and wrong. Mistakes are errors of understanding and practices related to the case only sinners are the consequences for sharia. While the error is a mistake of understanding related to the case or the Islamic creed, the consequences are believed to be the truth Kufr.
[3] In my opinion, everyone should agree to 10 (ten) flow misguided criteria mentioned above, by being based and derived from the theorem and the al-quran manuscripts , and al-Sunna.
[4] Compare with M. Abdullah Amin, Religious Studies: Normativitas or historicity, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Student, 1996, pp. 48.

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